Privacy policy

Personal data such as surnames, first names, e-mail addresses, as well as all information that you (the "user" or "you") share with TWYCE, SARL registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 892 886 946 ("we" or "us") are processed electronically and are therefore subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés). 

TWYCE is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data carried out complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés).
This policy supplements the general terms and conditions of use of the website. 

Data protection policy of

1. Information about the data controller

TWYCE, SARL registered with the RCS of Paris under number 892 886 946, and whose registered office is located at 127 B rue du Chemin Vert 75011 PARIS, is responsible for processing. 

2. Categories of data collected
As part of the services provided via the website, we may collect data relating to : 

  • Identification of the person concerned (surname, first name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.),
  • To the position, skills, curriculum vitae and LinkedIn profile of the person concerned,
  • Follow-up of the commercial relationship (history, correspondence, etc.),
  • To your contributions when you post notices,
  • Use of our website (cookies, tracers, browsing data, audience measurement, etc.).

3. Purposes
The purpose of the processing is to enable you to visit and/or use the functions and services of the website. This processing has the following purposes: 

  • Sales relationship management,
  • Recruitment management,
  • Connecting talent with companies for their digital projects, 
  • Sending emails, SMS, and informative and promotional calls,
  • Advice writing,
  • Use of data collected via cookies when browsing the website .

In addition, the website provides an online contact form for the following subjects (the list may be updated):

  • Other business,
  • Request for information,
  • Callback request, etc.

Via the website, the user may also subscribe to a newsletter.
The user is hereby informed that if he/she subscribes to the newsletter or fills in a contact form, TWYCE may use his/her e-mail address to send him/her any commercial offer, promotion or simple information on its activity. Users may withdraw their consent at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of the e-mail message or by contacting us at

4. Legal basis 

Treatment concerned

Sales relationship management

Legal basis

This processing is justified by the contractual or pre-contractual relationship existing between you and TWYCE.

Treatment concerned

Recruitment management

Legal basis

This processing is justified by the contractual or pre-contractual relationship existing between you and TWYCE.


Newsletter subscription

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent


Treatment concerned

Sending emails, SMS messages, informative and promotional calls

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent

Treatment concerned

Writing an opinion

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent

Treatment concerned

Online form

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent

Treatment concerned

Contact / Information request

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent

Treatment concerned

Use of data collected via cookies when browsing the site

Legal basis

This processing is based on your consent

5. Data sources
We collect the personal data that you provide directly to us.
In the course of its prospecting activities, TWYCE may collect data indirectly (e.g. via institutions or partners). The persons concerned by this data must have given their prior consent for such communication and use.

6. Compulsory data collection and consequences of failure to provide data

Data collected during browsing (particularly cookies) is optional. You may object to this, but this will not prevent you from browsing the various pages of the website.
Data collected for other purposes is compulsory, unless - in the case of direct collection - otherwise stated on the relevant form or digital platform, in order to be able to benefit from the service or feature you are interested in. If you fail to provide all the necessary data, your request cannot be processed. 

7. Automateddecision-making
None of the processing operations carried out by TWYCE lead to automated decision-making.

8. Data subjects
Data processing concerns people who browse and/or use the services and functionalities of the website, whether they are acting as a candidate (freelance or salaried) or as a representative of a company.   

9. Recipients of data
The personal data collected is made accessible:

- To persons authorized within TWYCE to have access to this information by virtue of their responsibilities (in particular, the sales and marketing departments, the accounting department and the customer relations department),

- Our subcontractors (e.g. accounting firms, IT service providers, our technical service providers responsible for managing online payments),

- To our partners for the services they manage (e.g. online reviews),

- To our partners for services subject to your consent (sending of commercial e-mails, etc.). We remind you that you always have the option of unsubscribing by clicking on the link at the end of the e-mail or by contacting:

10. Transfer of data outside the European Union
As a matter of principle, your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union.  

However, your data may be transferred from time to time. 

to subcontractors or business partners located in other countries, provided that they offer an adequate level of protection recognized by the European Union. 

If your data is transferred to a country whose level of data protection has not been recognized as adequate by the European Commission, we implement Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission, which ensure a sufficient level of protection for the privacy and fundamental rights of individuals.
If you have any questions on this subject, please send us a written request:

11. Shelf life

Data concerned 

Candidate identification data

Retention period‍
5 years from end of assignment (or end of employment contract)

Data concerned 

Data related to commercial relationship management   

Shelf life

  • Civil status, identity, data

identification: 5 years from the end of the commercial relationship

  • Invoice payment data: 10 years from year-end (L123-22 of the French Commercial Code)
  • Economic and financial information: 5 years (art L110-4 of the French Commercial Code)

Data concerned 

Data relating to the sending of informative and promotional e-mails, SMS messages and calls   

Shelf life

User data is kept for a period of 3 years from the date of collection or last contact by the user. At the end of this period, we may contact the user again to find out whether he or she wishes to continue receiving commercial solicitations. In the absence of a positive and explicit response, the user's data will be deleted.

Data concerned 

Writing an opinion

Shelf life

Your review remains online until you delete it.

Data concerned 

Use of data collected via cookies when browsing the website

Shelf life

Data collected via cookies is kept for a period of 13 months unless the person concerned objects.

Data concerned
Data collected via online form 

Shelf life‍

5 years from date of receipt

12. Security

TWYCE implements appropriate measures to prevent the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure of data. These measures mainly include:

  • Data access authorization management ; 
  • Hosting carried out in Europe, certified in the field of security and compliant with RGPD regulations; 
  • Regular, systematic backup.

13. Your rights
In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, you have the following rights:
- right of access to your personal data contained in our databases,
- right of rectification or deletion of your data, it being specified that this right may be limited with regard to our contractual and/or legal obligations,
- right to limit the processing of your personal data in the cases provided for by the regulations and in particular by Article 18 of the RGPD. This is a right that complements your other rights (rectification, opposition...). If you dispute the accuracy of the data used by TWYCE or object to your data being processed, the law authorizes TWYCE to proceed with a verification or review of your request for a certain period of time. During this period, you have the option of asking TWYCE to freeze the use of your data,
- the right to portability of your data, which enables you to request the retrieval of the data you have provided, for personal use or for transmission to a third party of your choice,
- the right to object to the collection and processing of your data. In particular, you have the right to object, at any time, to the use of your data for commercial prospecting purposes by TWYCE, in particular by means of a checkbox or a link on the medium used for prospecting or by contacting us at the address below,
- right to the deletion of your personal data if your data is used for prospecting purposes; if the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected or processed; if you withdraw your consent to the use of your data; or if you exercise your right to object and TWYCE has no legitimate or compelling reason not to comply with this request. If personal data has been processed unlawfully, or if personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation. (cf. Article 17 of the RGPD),
- right to withdraw your consent at any time, for the processing for which we have collected your consent

Exercise of rights
For any request to exercise your rights, you may contact TWYCE, free of charge, by sending your request by e-mail to the following address:

To find out more about exercising your rights, you can visit this link:


Right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), whose head office is located at 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. Telephone: 01 53 73 22 22. Naturally, we are at your disposal should you encounter any difficulties in finding an amicable solution.


14. Cookies

When you visit the website, cookies are placed on your computer, cell phone or tablet.

Below you will find information to help you better understand how cookies work and how to use the current tools to set them.

Cookies are small text files that websites place on your computer's hard disk when you visit a site or view an advertisement. Their purpose is to collect information about your browsing habits and to enable certain functions. Others

cookies help us to know what information you like, so that we can offer you more content that may be of interest to you.

In your computer, tablet or smartphone, cookies are managed by your Internet browser and are specific to our company.

Purpose of cookies: different types of cookies are used on our website for different purposes. Some are necessary for you to use our website.

  • Cookies strictly necessary to use the Site :

These cookies enable you to use the Site's main functions normally (e.g. access to your account).

  • Functional cookies :

These cookies enable us to memorize your connection data, secure your connection to our website and personalize your experience on the site. They also enable you to benefit from our personalized advice and promotional offers based on your browsing habits. They may also be used to provide you with features you have requested.

  • Advertising-related cookies :

In order to personalize your browsing experience according to your interests, we use the cookies described below. This technology enables us to tailor advertising to your browsing interests.

Accept or decline cookies

There are several ways to manage cookies.

Setting your browser parameters :

You can deactivate these cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to notify you when cookies are placed on your computer and to ask you to accept them or not. You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis, or refuse them systematically.

We remind you that this setting may modify your access conditions to our services requiring the use of cookies.

If your browser is configured to reject all cookies, you will not be able to take advantage of certain functions on our website, such as receiving personalized recommendations. In order to manage cookies more closely to your expectations, we invite you to configure your browser taking into account the purpose of cookies as mentioned above.

The cookie management banner :

We have set up a banner allowing you to easily manage your cookies. On your first visit to our website, a banner will appear offering you the following options:

  • Either you click on the "OK for me" button, and you accept the general deposit and use of cookies, including from third-party partners, for the distribution of targeted advertising, content relevant to your interests, the compilation of statistics to improve the site and the sharing of content on social networks.
  • Or click on "I choose": you then have the opportunity to accept or refuse each category of cookie. Each of these categories informs you of the purpose of each type of cookie.
  • Either you click on "No thanks" and only the cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the site will be deposited. 

You can configure cookie management via your browser's help menu. 

To find out more about cookies and how to manage them, visit the CNIL website: